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11 June 2011

an afternoon in barcelona

lovely street in barcelona

candy from a stand in an open market

xurros amb xocolata: delicious! 

saturday afternoon i went "into town" to see a friend and make a few more. we meet at four and explored different streets for an hour or so. pretty little streets are my favorite, and there were plenty of those! we also zipped through a great open market. then we went to a café to get a snack. i got xurros amb xocolata and (another) café con leche. xurros are pieces of dough that have been deep-fried, then twisted, then sprinkled with sugar. the "amb xocolata" obviously means chocolate. these are three of the four words i know in catalan. very important ones, too. the other one is sortida, 'exit'. one of the girls' family was in town and the dad was awesome and paid for all of us. then we all hightailed it to a suburb of barcelona to see the castellers of lleida.

and that. was. amazing.

being a casteller in cataluña is kinda like their equivalent of being a ballerina or a gymnast. today i saw participants who ranged from being younger than ten and older than fifty. without anyone being an obvious leader or director, towers would develop every ten minutes or so. the black fabric you see around their waists is similar to a thick scarf that's almost twenty feet long. they wind it around their waists and then tie bandanas around themselves so that the people climbing to higher levels have somewhere to put their feet. it's grand. it's nerve-racking. the people on the second and third levels often look as if they are about to collapse, they warble and shake so.

we took a recess from watching and checked out the stands that were set up nearby. they sold chunks of cheese as large as a watermelon, meat, stuffed animals, etc. but the best one was the one that sold tea.

"to strengthen and prevent the loss of hair; cleans dandruff and prevents it's reproduction; eliminates seborrhoea and hair grease."

that. was. amazing.

there was a large stand that just sold loose leaf teas and herbs. there was rose tea, cherry tea, tea for diabetes, tea for hypertension, tea for sleep of the alhambra, tea for hair, tea to "close the appetite"(can you imagine...? i'm not sure i can). i think that it's common for people here to buy herbs for their specific need, boil them in water, then drink it. wow. i like tea--no, i love tea. but drinking tea to prevent oily hair? i'll shower, thanks anyway :)

somewhere near la plaza cataluña

protestor's tents in la plaza cataluña

la plaza cataluña

after the castellers, we headed back to la plaza cataluña, where i wandered around alone for a bit. i got pictures of the protesters in la plaza this time! then i caught the 8:20 metro back to terrassa. rubén (the husband) made a yummy tortilla española for dinner and i chatted with ximena for a while.

so that was my saturday. i hope yours was swell, too.


  1. Your Saturday was certainly more entertaining than my own. Sounds like fun.

  2. Love the photos!-especially the silhouette with the weathervane. Te echo de menos <3
