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21 June 2011

la sagrada família

la sagrada famíla

the sagrada familia is the most famous thing to see in barcelona. and that's because it is infamous for taking so long in being built. it was started in the 1880s and still is unfinished. there's no telling how much longer this project is gong to take, because it is being paid for by the public, so if there aren't funds, there isn't progress. the part on the right, which is also darker, was designed by antoni gaudí, a native catalan (like mercedes from the count of monte cristo). he left fingerprints all over barcelona. there are many houses, gardens, and random things that he designed. he took most of his inspiration from the natural surroundings.

yes, the water is an ugly green. 

so anyways, after church on sunday the family and i went to see la sagrada família. i didn't know we were going to go, so i didn't have my camera ('weep with those who weep' queue). the family had theirs though, so i have a few pictures to share. i really liked the building. it was so big and different. i was in england last year with my sister and saw some amazing cathedrals and buildings. they were all very proper and i loved them. la sagrada familia is crazy. it has fruit on it, that's painted. it has hunks of rock that seem to just stick out in all directions. it has at least a few distinct architectural designs and influences. it may not be proper, but it is pretty. from the hills on the outskirts of the city, one can see it's steeples jutting up out of the sea of neighborhoods and streets (pictures of that, by the way, are coming soon). i didn't get to go inside of the building, but it's not done yet, so hopefully i'll be back in the future...when it's finally done! i have a feeling that it will be quite a big deal when it's completed, after who knows how many scores of years.  

we walked around most of the sides of the building while we were looking for somewhere to eat. we went down a street and after 10 minutes or so arrived at a...*drumroll*...colombian restaurant. i looked at the menu, and as good as it all looked, i just wanted a cuban sandwich. it was lunchtime and by george, i was gonna eat a sandwich. it was a good choice--one of the best sandwiches i've ever had. the bread was perfect. then there was chicken, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and a garlic sauce. i may try to replicate that once i get home! to drink i had fresh passion fruit juice. the waitress, who was british, could tell from the few words i'd said in spanish that i was american and so she put a couple of ice cubes in my juice (none of the others had ice). i thought that was funny.

after we ate, we walked back to la sagrada and let the boys play in the park for a while. then we "saddled up" and went to the oldest hospital in barcelona. it was closed though, and there was a lot of scaffolding up on the building. so after walking all that way we didn't see much of it. we took a few pictures and headed towards the metro to go home. by this time i guess people's stomachs were growling for the in between meal. so we stopped at a...*drumroll*...colombian cafe for drinks and some bread. i just got a "fanta naranja" (orange fanta) and tried some of the bakery goods. they were fine, but i wasn't near hungry yet (we'd eaten 2 hours earlier) so i had to keep insisting that i just wasn't hungry. that has been a constant undertone here...they say that i hardly eat anything. they may feel that i don't like their cooking. but really, i tell them, it's just that i'm not used to eating 5-6 meals a day. during the school year i usually only eat 2 meals a day. to each stomach it's own.

pablo, me, and daniel outside the hospital.
ximena and i 

after that we went home, ate, got ready for bed. i think i skyped a few friends and family and then i was out.

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